Following a bout with the Big C over 10 years ago, I began to see the world in vivid COLOR! Having always been a creative soul, but one who held back, I realized that I had nothing to lose. Never too far from my consciousness is the awareness that life is fleeting and that the moment is NOW. It is this wisdom that fuels the fantastic working groove from which my paintings emerge.
In the last several years, I have loved playing in the realm of the abstract using oil, oil crayon, and cold wax medium. Every color in the spectrum makes an appearance on the surface. Scratching and drawing back in to the paint gives the work extra dimension. I can't get enough of this process!
In addition, I am still working on my acrylic "people and places" paintings! Creating quirky, folky images illustrating the culture and people from around the US has been a cornerstone of my work for over 10 years! Celebrations of gratefulness, clarity, color, compassion, music, spiritual journeys, life, and death give these paintings their spark and timelessness.
Spirit. Animal.
Auric Gallery, Colorado Springs
Exhibit opening 12-6-24
To purchase:
Encountering an animal or natural element and feeling a deep connection to a deceased loved one's spirit can be a profound experience. Many cultures and belief systems hold the idea that animals can serve as vessels for the souls of those who have passed on. For instance, the presence of a cardinal as a messenger from the spirit world is most often the first thing that comes to mind. Its appearance, for many people, feels like a gentle reminder that one is being watched over or comforted by the deceased.
After my father’s untimely death almost 2 years ago, I began to recognize the presence of a lone buck in my yard as embodying his spirit. Deer are often on our property at certain times of the year, but this just felt different. A visitation from a buck in the middle of a busy day often gives me pause to remember my father’s life here in this realm. It reminds me that his essence lives on and brings me great peace. Another symbol of my dad’s energy is the occasional shed. I’ve never in my life found a shed in the wild until after his death…..and I found 2 on separate occasions right around my house. Lastly, my dad was a “moon enthusiast” and could tell you more than you ever wanted to know about its phases! The moon, presenting in many shapes, is always there.
As I started to delve into this body of work, I asked friends and family what type of creature or object shows up for them. There were wonderful answers….owls, herons, foxes and even feathers and rocks. The question led to amazing conversations about hope and resilience and for that I am so grateful.
I continue the use of cold wax and oil in these pieces. The haphazard glaze of white paint and wax sets the mood as the underpainting. Vibrant colors and graphic shapes create a visual contrast with what lies beneath their surface. The appearance of an arch shape connotes the ideas of transition and passage from one dimension to another. Besides the arch and placement of some animals, there is no planned composition, as I use intuition to guide me. This leaves room for exploration and pleasant surprises along the way.
I hope you enjoy engaging with these paintings as much as I enjoyed creating them!Sanctum
Surface Gallery, Colorado Springs
February 2024
This collection of paintings explores the sacred spaces of both the creative process and the experience of nature intertwined with the symbolism of the deer. Vibrant hues and organic shapes converge to express both grief and celebration of a life well-lived, while the deer and antlers embody the ideas of resilience and spiritual connection. This exhibition is a tribute to my dad and to those that have left an enduring mark on our hearts.
To purchase:
For inquiries about commissions, please contact Surface Gallery or Sallie Knox Hall
People and places COMMISSIONS
Commission prices are based on size and complexity of design. Please email me for a quote.
Come Hell or High Water Art Auction
In May of 2016, we hosted an art auction on accelevents.com to generate funds for those affected by the unprecedented flooding in Northeast Louisiana and Southeast Louisiana. $8000 was raised and split between individuals and families living in the two regions. Thank you all who participated! We are so grateful and look forward to hosting another one sometime in the future if the need should arise.
Westside Cares
Located on the west side of Colorado Springs, Westside CARES is a nonprofit which focuses on care and compassion for those in need by providing crisis human services. Westside CARES collaborates with agencies throughout the metropolitan area to ensure its clients receive adequate crisis intervention services. I am grateful to work here alongside some truly amazing individuals to help carry out their mission.
Copyright 2013